
1935 - The Fifth Reunion of The Newton Family

  The fifth reunion of the Newton family was held on August 4th at the home of Mrs. Nellie Roof.
Many started arriving at 9:30 and at 11:00 all those who were coming had arrived.
We were very fortunate for we had a typical lovely summer day for our annual event.

August 4th, 1935

 The activities of the day soon began in the vacant lot owned by Jay Turner.
The first of these was a soft ball game against the "Men of Destiny" and the "Martyrs".
The "Men of Destiny" upheld their name by downing the "Martyrs" 14-11

Those on the wining side were:
Cedric Roof, Captain; Ronald Dunn, Ross Hammond, Kenneth Newton, Frank Newton, Harold Kellogg, Freda Bulla, Charles Newton Senior and Fred Newton

Those on the forfeiting side were Russell Kellogg, Captain; Charles Newton Junior, Lewis Newton, Dewitt Newton, Naomi Newton, Mable Newton and Helen Makuch.

Canadian Postage Stamp issued in 1935
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

DeWitt Newton and his horse 

Shortly before noon the waitresses called us to-gether for the mid-day meal. And what a meal!
There was no end to the food, pickles, bananas, cakes and fun.
Probably none of us will soon forget the jello and baked beans.
After about an hour of eating the meeting was called to order by the president Nellie Roof.
Surely the president could have used a gavel to bring the meeting to order.

 The minutes of the last reunion were read and accepted.
The following new elections were made
Lucy Voss - president
Charles Newton - vice president
Mable Newton - secretary
Dorothy Kellogg - treasurer
Bessie Newton and Esther Newton - Food committee
Russell - Harold - Frank were unanimously elected for the sport committee.

Canadian Postage Stamp issued in 1935
Niagara Falls viewed from the American side

 A motion was made and seconded that we hold our reunion at Southwiches on the last Saturday in June but after much debating by the honorable officers it was decided to hold the reunion at the Old Homestead on June 27th.
The collection was then taken and the business meeting came to an close in the midst of much confusion and laughter.

 Immediately the more active members resumed their baseball game again.
The rest helped clear the tables while Dorthy Kellogg and Letra Forbes and Cecil Watson were nurses for the smaller children.
At 4:30 after each had gathered up their belongings they betook themselves to a more quieter spot after a very eventful day.

Treasurer's Report
Balance to date $5.00
collection            $3.75
total                       $8.75

cards       $ .15
coffee      $ .29
sugar       $ .30
plates      $ .20
bananas  $1.75 
                $2.79 Total expenses

Postage Stamp issued in 1935
 Boulder Dam Issue
Dedication of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)

Attendance of reunion - 1935
Mrs. Emma Harrington
Mr. Fred Newton
Mrs. Minnie Newton
Mae Rusaw
Kenneth Newton
Nellie Roof
Cedric Roof
Cecil Watson
Freddie Watson
Wilma - Weldon - Laura Watson
Charlie Newton
Bessie Newton
Charles - Esther - Naomi - Lois Newton
Esther Watson
Vernon Watson
Adell Watson
Harold Kellogg
Dorothy Kellogg
Barbara Kellogg
Russell Kellogg
Elaine Kellogg
Robert Kellogg
Dewitt Newton
Minnie Newton
Frank Newton
Mable Newton
Lewis Newton

Souvenir Sheet issued in 1936
 Third International Philatelic Exhibition Issue
Types of Connecticut, California, Michigan and Texas

Richard Burk
Freda Bulla
Claude Woodard
Lulua Woodard
Robert Woodard
Helen Voss
Roanld Dunn
Leslie Dunn
Ross Hammond
Frank Koster
Flora Koster
Letra Forbes
Harold Forbes
Russell Forbes
Ethel Forbes
Bird Ryther
Ettie Newton
Edith Waite
Clarence Waite
Lloyd Waite
Helen Makuch

Members total  32
Visitors total     22
           total      54

Tax Exempt stamp issued in 1935
Tax Exempt Potatoes

Marriages - that took place during the past year.

Miss. Esther Newton to Mr. Ned Greene on March 21st, 1936

Mr. Floyd Newton to Miss. Reta Morey on October 26th, 1935

Miss Mariella Scott to Charles Spissak on June 21st, 1936


Ida and Jack Lynch a daughter, Colleen Mary, born on October 12, 1935

Richard Burk on September 8, 1935

Mable Newton, Secretary

DeWitt with the horse

Christmas Seal issued in 1935