
Charles Wesley Newton 1920-2011

Charles Wesley Newton 1920-2011
Charles W. Newton, 91, of Vestal, NY, passed away on Saturday, August 27, 2011 in Middleburg, Pennsylvania. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, and his children; Daniel (IN), Paul (NY), Charles (NY), James (NY), Beth ( NY), Kenneth (PA), Mark (NY), Brenda (NY) and Beth (NC). He is also survived by numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Charles Wesley Newton (1920-2011)
Son of Charles Milton Newton (1892-1982)
Grandson of Milton DeWitt Newton (1857-1896)

  Esther, Chas Wesley & Naomi Newton

  Esther, Naomi, Charles and, Lois


I was very pleased to visit Uncle Chuck and his wife Barbara at their house a week before he passed on. Sometimes when we say goodbye, a transition is at hand that requires us to depart as we carry on in our work throughout life. We have gained the guidance of those that will have passed before us, although we find ourselves alone in presence, we are comforted by the teachings and examples that illuminate our path.

Does anyone have any stories or photographs of Charles Wesley Newton that they want to see in print here?
Send an e-mail to newton.reunion@gmail.com


2011 - The Eightieth Annual Newton Family Reunion

  It was a clear, warm, gorgeous day for the Newton family reunion at the Middle Falls pavilion . 
We had 47 folks there....all descended from the same tree!
We had descendents of Edna, Lucy, Nellie and Charles. What a fun day!
The Ray Greene tribe came from the farthest ....Ohio.

We had meats supplied by Matthew Klimek and cooked up by Dennis Greene, Randy Burkhard, Matthew Klimek and some help from Linda Pfannenschmidt.
Matt brought coolers of ice cold drinks, other supplies and everyone bought dishes to pass.
Reverend Ray Greene opened with a prayer ....and the eating began!
Newton descendents know how to cook and eat. What fun to eat and visit.

Forrest & Laura James
Laura is the Daughter of Cecil Roof Watson
Granddaughter of Nellie Newton Roof

After dinner Bob Pfannenschmidt did a coin toss for the children. It was fun to see the scramble for cash. Some of the adults laughed and said with times so tough...they were thinking of searching for the quarters themselves!

We had our photo shoot and our business meeting. Minutes were read and approved and the floor was opened for nominations for President and Secretary. Matthew Klimek was re-elected President and Linda Pfannenschmidt to Secretary. They ran unopposed. Matthew was given a round of applause for his on line history lessons that he has been sending about the early days of the reunion.

We also spoke a couple of minutes on the health and well being of some of our absent older members. We miss Naomi, Chuck, Lois and Florence. Let's send them cards to remind them....we haven't forgotten them.

Next Bob Pfannenschmidt conducted an auction that really got going! The Red Rider BB gun brought in thirty dollars! We hope it brings back great childhood memories for you, George. There was a friendly but heated battle for a new pressure cooker. Linda B. is now the proud owner! Everyone who wanted an item
eventually got something. It was great! The auction brought in $74.00. The hat was passed and brought in $62.50. This will be used by Matt to get the pavilion and supplies for next year.

Linda Pfannenschmidt
Daughter of Esther Newton Greene
Granddaughter of Charles Milton Newton

This was so much fun.
The time just flew and soon it was 3:00 and time to head out.
We'll be back next year.
Call others who were absent.
Tell them to already set aside the LAST SATURDAY in JULY 2012!!
Don't miss it.
See you at reunion #82.
Minutes submitted by Linda Pfannenschmidt -Secretary of the Newton Family Reunion.

A few last minute remarks from the president:
Hello Everyone,
 I hope that all of you enjoyed the 80th annual Newton Family Reunion held on July 30, 2011.
I thought that we had a very pleasant and comfortable day; although I had to drive a truck later that night, I was able to get some rest.

Year 2000, was my  first year as President of the Newton Family Reunion. That was the year that I had my first computer. 
I was so excited to print the invitations with my e-mail address at the bottom mattmapper@alo.com,
unfortunately, America Online was .aol so, I didn't get too many replies.

As the years went by, I started to develop a bit with photography and posting content online.
There was something about the Newton Family that seemed perfect for online viewing, in fact one year back in the late 80's or early 90's, WPBS, a public television station from Watertown, New York came over to Letchworth State Park and video taped the reunion as we were interviewed; I never did see the documentary that was produced. Anyhow, this is something of an extension of television media.

Postage stamp issued in 2011
(returned Newton Reunion announcement)

The mailing of the Invitations: 
66 pieces were mailed out on May 19, 2011. 
10 pieces were returned, 5 were re-addressed although the new address was on the return label stating that 'the forward order had expired'. 5 pieces could not be delivered, I tried a web search and mailed them out but, they were returned. We actually had 61 invitations successfully sent.
We also have 63 e-mail addresses; most of which receive a printed announcement.

Postage stamp issued in 2011
(returned Newton Reunion announcement)
The Civil War Sesquicentennial
First Bull Run, July 21, 1861

Obviously, our future is going to be online digital content that everyone can communicate with and through.
It looks like we are going to need to maintain print announcements for another 5 to 10 years; we can't afford to miss anyone by not informing them of the reunion.
It is wise to urge family members to establish e-mail accounts and a Facebook account for the purpose of  effectively communicating with all of us on a more instantaneous basis.

Robert Kellogg, Jr.
Son of Robert Kellogg
Grandson of Edna Newton Kellogg

Attendance at The 81st Newton Reunion (2011-07-30)
A few people were counted that didn't sign in.

Matthew P. Klimek
Linda  Pfannenschmidtt
Robert Pfannenschmidt
Carolyn Greene
Ray Greene
Anna Greene
Grace Greene
Heather Davis

Mel, Ray, Denny Greene
Sons of Esther Newton Greene
Grandsons of Charles Milton Newton

Mel Greene
Mary Greene
Dennis Greene
Vanessa Bouton
Ken Russell
Alateya Russell
Lean Brown
Randy Mueckl
Brenda Mueckl
Genny Beardsley

Forrest James
Laura James
Randy Burkhardt
Melinda Burkhardt
Miranda Burkhardt
Hunter Burkhardt
Julie Burkhardt
Robert Kellogg, Jr.

Genevieve Beardsley
Daughter of Lucy Newton Voss

Nancy Osborn
Rob Bowman
Stacey Bowman
Sherrie Voss
Wilma Voss
George Voss
Steve Pepe
Jill Pepe
Nicole Pepe
Carrie Pepe
Linda Beardsley Brandt

  Middle Falls (107 feet high), 
Letchworth State Park, 
Portage, New York

I certainly appreciate that the Secretary and her husband did a great job of livening up the event; there is a point where I like to step back and let Mom and Bob do the talking, see the video below:

The elders at this gathering were both George Voss and Genevieve Beardsley are the children of Lucy Newton Voss (1891-1993).

Catherine T. Kellogg (1921-2010)

Catherine T. Kellogg, 88, of Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca died October 18, 2010 at Beachtree Care Center in Ithaca, NY, after a brief illness. 
She was born November 27, 1921 in Ithaca, NY the daughter of the Arthur J. Teeter and Lena (Brown) Teeter. She was predeceased by her husband Robert M. Kellogg Sr. in October 2002 and her brother James Teeter April, 2008. She is survived by her children, Bonnie (Tom) Brown of Newfield, Robert (Gloria) Kellogg Jr. of Newfield, Edward (Helen) Kellogg of Ithaca and Douglas (Chris) Kellogg of Orlando Florida. Grandchildren, Tina (Ed) Turk, Lodi. Anita (Dale) Stocking, Whitney Point. Diana (Peter) Lotito, Raleigh, NC. Iretta (Skip) Ellis, Dryden. Candy (Pete) Terwillegar, Odessa. Crissy (Tim) Morais,Candor. Conrad (Holly) Kellogg, Ithaca. David (Amy) Kellogg, Candor. Davon (Megan) Kellogg, Orlando. Crystal Kellogg, Orlando. Stepgrandaughter Michaela, Orlando. Also survived by niece Alice (John) Linton, nephew Alan (Debbie) Teeter, and niece Joyce (Bill Andrews)VandeBogart all of Ithaca. Also 16 great grand children and 6 great-great grandchildren. 
Catherine retired from Cornell University after working 35 years at Riley Robb Hall. 
She was a member of the Kennedy's Corner Methodist Church and later a member of the Newfield United Methodist Church.

Linda (Greene) Pfannenschmidt, Secretary

2011 Newton Family Reunion Announcement

2010 - The Seventy-Ninth Annual Newton Family Reunion

 What perfect weather for our Seventy-Ninth annual reunion, 78 degrees, low humidity and, clear; great reunion weather.
Forty two of us met at the Eddy's Pavilion, the group was small but, the spirit was big.
At 12:30 we ate a delicious meal and had a great time visiting; we are a sociable bunch.

Everyone had fun looking over the photos that Linda B. brought in from Ginny's.
Matt will scan them into his computer and post them online for all to enjoy.
He will bring the originals back next year.


After we ate, we had our business meeting,
Matthew Klimek and Linda Pfannenschmidt ran unopposed for President and Secretary.
A motion was made and approved to rent the pavilion for 1/2 day 10AM-3PM next year. It worked very well this year.

A motion was made by Linda Beardsley that we no longer provide the meat dish at the reunion since there is so much else to eat. Anyone that wants meat can bring it and cook it up. It was approved.
Linda Pfannenschmidt said they would supply the charcoal and fluid so who ever brings meat can prepare it.
Food sure is an important part of the get-together.


We had a small auction which netted $9.00. With the pass the hat total, we now have $78.00 toward next year. That should cover the 1/2 day pavilion, the mailing and, the charcoal. 

We all visited more, munched watermelon and finally said: 
Bye for now, See you in 2011!
Lets pack a lot of folks in!
Submitted by Secretary Linda Pfannenschmidt


Presidents Report:
Mailing of invitations- $32.56
67 pieces were mailed,
6 pieces were readdressed upon return due to expired forward time. ($0.44 x 74= $32.56)
Shelter Reservation, Eddy's Pavilion, 1/2 day- $30.00


Saturday, July 31st 2010 Attendance:

Bob Pfannenschmidt
Linda Pfannenschmidt
Matthew P. Klimek
Linda Beardsley Brandt
Charles Newton
Barbara Newton
Mark Stanton and Joe (his pet dog)

Postage stamp issued in 2009
(returned Newton Reunion announcement)
 Supreme Court Justice

Jill Pepe
Nicole Pepe
Carrie Pepe
Larry Greene
Miriam Greene
Forrest James
Laura James

Postage stamp issued in 2009
 (returned Newton Reunion announcement)
 Supreme Court Justice

Randy Burkhardt
Melinda Burkhardt
Alyssa Burkhardt
Miranda Burkhardt
Hunter Burkhardt
Ray Burkhardt
Julie Burkhardt

Postage stamp issued in 2009
 (returned Newton Reunion announcement)
Supreme Court Justice

Randy Mueckl
Brenda Mueckl
Jacob Mueckl
Jordan Mueckl
Genny Beardsley
Thomas D. Beardsley
Florence Roof
George VossWilma Voss
Sherrie Voss

Postage stamp issued in 2009
 (returned Newton Reunion announcement)
Supreme Court Justice

 Linda (Greene) Pfannenschmidt, Secretary

2010 Newton Family Reunion Announcement

2009 - The Seventy-Eighth Annual Newton Family Reunion

Saturday July 25th 2009
  We arrived at the Middle Falls Pavilion early and decorated.
It was a beautiful day and Bob Pfannenschmidt's birthday!
George and Wilma Voss were also early birds and it was fun to get reacquainted.
Matt had a great fire going, even though we weren't cold!
We had a smaller group than usual, Uncle Chuck asked the blessingin front of 29 hungry, friendly folks.
The food was great, the fellowship was even greater.

Many videos were recorded of the folks, many photos were taken of everyone.
They will be on the Newton web-page!
We all will want to check it out.

Florence Roof, George Voss, Charles Newton

We had a business meeting and reelected Matthew Klimek as President and, Linda Pfannenschmidt as Secretary.
A motion was made and ratified to rent a pavilion next year for only 1/2 day. That is a money saver, since we are always done by 3:00 PM, that's how we will rent it.
We had spent all of the money on supplies, etc.... so, Uncle Chuck passed the hat and we collected $86.00.
We had a small fun filled auction and raised $58.50.
Total $144.50
With this money, Matthew will rent the pavilion, mail the reminders and, buy some food for next year.
We try to keep the meat simple - hot dogs and rolls, etc....
Most of our meal is good old Newton recipes!
This was fun, I can't wait until next year!
Remind all the relatives not to miss it.
Linda (Greene) Pfannenschmidt, Secretary


DeWitt Stedman Newton (1889-1968)
"The bountiful repast was greatly enjoyed by all, and there seemed no lack for food, fun, pickles or banana peelings - epically the later which landed so frequently at the Western end of the table that no one doubted who was eating at the Eastern end." 1933
"We hope that Dewitt was not ill, but the banana peelings seemed to stay at home this year." 1937
 "A delightful supper was followed by a business meeting that was called among the usual hubbub and inattention youngsters and "some" elders." 1942

Presidents Remarks:
  We had a very nice family reunion this year.
The turnout was a bit low at only 29 people but,
we ate a lot of food to make up for the difference!
This year, I scarcely had a camera out of my hand as I attempted to document the Newton Family Reunion. A reasonable amount of video was recorded as well as many photographs.
We had the fire going in the fireplace; the great big one at the Middle Falls pavilion.
All of the families were photographed in front of the fireplace.
The results are quite warm!

$85.00 hotdogs, rolls, charcoal, etc...
$30.00 Pavilion Rental
$32.56 Announcements (74 pieces of mail @ $0.44)

Genevieve (Voss) Beardsley, Daughter of Lucy (Newton) Voss.
Linda Brandt is the oldest daughter of Genevieve.

Lois Bouton, Daughter of Charles & Bessie Newton
Michael (son) & Adine Bouton.
Roxy (daughter) & Ray Brown

Charles Newton, Jr. with wife Barbra

Melanie (daughter of Naomi) and her husband Ted, with their son Kent Schumacher.
Naomi (Newton) Clingerman is the daughter of Charles & Bessie Newton.

Florence Roof, wife of the late Milton Roof.
Milton is the son of Nellie (Newton) Roof.

Jill Pepe is the Granddaughter of Lucy (Newton) Voss

George & Wilma and, Sherrie Voss.
George is the son of Lucy (Newton) Voss.

Attendance at the 79th Annual Newton Family Reunion:

Robert Pfannenschmidt
Linda Pfannenschmidt
Matthew P. Klimek
Genevieve Beardsley
Florence Roof
Dale J. Beardsley
Linda Beardsley Brandt
George Voss
Wilma Voss
Sherrie Voss

Newton Family Reunion,
Letchworth State Park

Charles Newton
Barbara Newton
Mark Stanton
Melanie Schumacher
Ted Schumacher
Kent Schumacher
Naomi Clingerman
Forrest James
Laura James

Julie Pepe
Steve Pepe
Nicole Pepe
Jim Pepe
Carrie Pepe
Roxy Brown
Ray Brown
Adine Bouton
Michael Bouton
Lois Bouton

Esther Newton Greene (1917-2008)
Esther Elizabeth Greene, 91 of Endicott, N.Y., passed peacefully into Heaven on December 31, 2008 with her daughter-in-law singing "Jesus Loves Me" to her. She was born March 10, 1917 in Watertown, N.Y., the daughter of the late Charles and Bessie Newton. Esther was the loving wife of the late Edward "Ned" Greene; and dearest mother of Larry (Miriam) Greene, Beaver Dams, N.Y., Mel (Mary) Greene, Dryden, N.Y., Dennis Greene, Steve (Wanda) Greene, Mary Esther, Fla., Linda (Bob) Pfannenschmidt, Endicott, N.Y., Ramon (Carolyn) Greene, Fredericktown, Ohio, and Randy (Liz) Greene, Hoboken, N.J. Esther was the dear sister of Naomi Clingerman, Charles (Barbara) Newton and Lois Bouton; and is survived by many loving nieces and nephews. Loving grandmother of Denise (Ken) Webb, Lisa (Leal) Saunders, Lori (Mark) Parris, Chris Alimonti, Kevin Quon, Edward Quon, Molly (Jess) Swain, Kelly (Charlie) Work, Joanna (Kevin) Hochgraber, Steven (Susan) Crowley, Patrick (BriAnne) Crowley, Robert (Brandy) Crowley, Kaylin Greene, Trisha (Brett) Johnston, Matthew Klimek, Dina VanSickle, Adam (Jessica) Greene, Amanda (Eric) Bressi, Caleb (Alli) Greene, Hannah Greene, Jason Greene, Heather Faith Greene, Heather Davis, Crystal Greene, Grace Greene, and Anna Greene; and numerous great-grandchildren. Mrs. Greene was a lifelong member of the Endicott Community Church of the Nazarene and served the Lord gladly all the days of her life. She will be especially remembered as the "Card Lady," always sending out hundreds of greeting cards with special messages to everyone she knew for as many years as she was able. The family wishes to thank the most wonderful, caring staff of the Vestal Nursing Center, Magnolia Unit, who cared for her like she was their own. Esther touched all our lives from the bottom of her heart for as long as she lived. She will be missed and loved always.
Funeral and Interment Services were held at the Endicott Community Church of the Nazarene, 3181 Union Center Maine Highway, Endicott, with the Reverend Dan Eddings, Pastor of her church, officiating.

Esther Newton Greene is the daughter of Charles Milton Newton (1892-1982) and Bessie Mae Renner Newton (1893-1984)

Be Ye Thankful: What I have to Be Thankful For
by Esther Newton 1926

In this School assignment dated November, 1926,
Esther Newton describes her age as 'Going on 10 years old'.

Be Ye Thankful: What I have to be Thankful for
1.    For Mother and Father
2.    For our car
3.    For a home in which to live
4.    For our school books and, school
5.    For our teacher
6.    For railroads
7.    For pure air
8.    For a library to read from
9.    For clothing
10. For food
11. For living in America
12. For good health
13. For our cow
14. For brother and sisters
15. For rain and sunshine and wind
16. For not being deaf, dumb or blind

Postage stamp issued in 2009
(returned Newton Reunion announcement)

Linda (Greene) Pfannenschmidt, Secretary

2009 Newton Family Announcement

2008 - The Seventy-Seventh Annual Newton Family Reunion

 Wow! 81 folks gathered together on this July 26th 2008; We are all related!
It is almost 85 degrees and quite warm but, what a great day.
Matt Klimek cooked delicious hotdogs, Chuck Newton opened with prayer, we all lined up , piled our plates and dug in. Again, we proved to be great cooks as the food was delicious.
When we had eaten, Bob Pfannenschmidt played candy and coin toss with the children; there was lots of scrambling and laughing.

Linda Pfannenschmidt stood on a bench and conducted a business meeting.
The minutes were read and the balance in the Treasury was $0.00. No problem, the hat was passed and $120.25 was collected. We decided to again have Matt try to get the Middle Falls Pavilion, the usage fee is $70.00.
Linda Beardsley Brandt made a motion that we keep the same officers- Matt Klimek president and, Linda & Bob Pfannenschmidt as assistants; the motion was seconded. It's unanimous! We will do it for another year.

Bob Pfannenschmidt handled the auction. Thanks to all who contributed, we netted $66.50 and every child present was given a toy, It good to see excited children at the reunion!
Linda (Greene) Pfannenschmidt, Secretary

Presidents statement:
It was a very nice reunion, I enjoyed visiting and talking with the family.
After leaving Letchworth State Park with my mom Linda & Bob, we went to Stony Brook State Park to take advantage of the cold water for a refreshing afternoon swim.
As we were traveling toward Endicott, we observed darkening skies as lightning streaked through the air with brilliance. We arrived at Mom & Bob's house, only to notice that there was a layer of hail stones on the ground and, there was no electricity. I started to walk around the house and saw a rather large tree had fallen in the backyard, there was some dammage but, the house had been sparred.

(2008-07-26) Linda Pfannenschmidt finds a fallen tree in her backyard after the reunion.
Such a good time at the reunion! 
Such a surprise to see what the storm did while traveling home from the reunion!!

Expense Report:
$25.08  postage for 57 announcements mailed ($0.44 x 57)
$ 4.00 stationary and envelopes
$50.00 hotdogs
$12.00 roles
$ 9.00 charcoal
$ 6.00 plates
$ 3.00 lighter fluid
$80.00 Middle Falls Pavilion (Full Day)
Total Expense:
$120.25 hat
$ 66.50 Auction

2008 July 26th Attendance:

Robert Pfannenschmidt
Linda Pfannenschmidt
Matthew P. Klimek
George Voss
Wilma Voss
Sherrie Voss
Bonnie Kellogg Brown
Robert M. Kellogg, Jr.
Pat Progansky
Mike Progansky
Austin Wilcox
Madison Wilcox
Samantha Wilcox
Hannah Wilcox
Kristina Wilcox
Florence Roof
Linda Beardsley Brandt

Charles Newton
Barbara Newton
Jacklyn Martens
Mark Stanton
Randy Mueckl
Brenda Mueckl
Genevieve Beardsley
Lari Greene
Miriam Greene
Naomi Clingerman
Donna McTutice (friend of Naomi that drove from Ohio))
Bernard Roof
Norma Roof
Dale Beardsley
Diane Beardsley
Steve Pepe
Jill Pepe
Nicole Pepe
Jim Pepe
Carrie Pepe

Roben Waddell
Barbara Caster
Ken Wilcox
Sabrinna Wilcox
Dalton Wilcox
Dusty Wilcox
Dylan Wilcox
Danni Sue Wilcox
Karen Roof Brewer
Summer Blancq
Tristan Blancq 
Laura James
Forrest James
Bradly James
Donna James
Ashley James
Becky James

Ben Stack
Jody Stack
Kenzy Stack
Lexy Stack
Jake Stack
Amy Kingsbury
Jeff Kingsbury
Carina Kingsbury
Samuel Kingsbury
Sawyer Kingsbury
Caden Kingsbury
Lois Bouton
Mike Bouton
Michael Bouton
Adine Bouton
Matthew Duffy

Postage stamp issued in 2007
(returned Newton Reunion announcement)

Stephany Roof
Courtney Roof
Bernie Roof
Sherry Roof
Jordan Roof

Eunice Elizabeth VanderVeen (1918-2007)

Eunice Elizabeth VanderVeen, age 89, of Grand Rapids, Michigan,  passed away peacefully and went to her Heavenly Home on November 28, 2007. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hugh VanderVeen. Surviving are her children, Jane Elizabeth Jarlsberg, Rebecca Ann Jernigan, Timothy Hugh VanderVeen and Thomas John VanderVeen; her grandchildren, Elizabeth Jarlsberg, Christopher Jarlsberg, Jodee Gailey and Todd Brower; great grandchildren, Sarah Jarlsberg, Rachel Jarlsberg and Emma Gailey; her sisters,
Mariella Scott-Spisak and Lois Robert Reynolds. 
Eunice is the daughter of Louella Newton Scott (1888-1920)
and David Harry Scott (1884-1967)

Linda (Greene) Pfannenschmidt, Secretary

2008 Newton Reunion Announcement