Many were late in arriving and some didn't come which is even worse; but when all present started their antics such things, as being tardy were forgotten.
Dinner was served shortly after noon.
We "gorged" and laughed then "gorged" some more until feeling quite satisfied with the world and ourselves we left the table and started for some sort of amusement.
Frank Heart entertained several with his music. Others played "horseshoes" or "quoits" but this was difficult as the shoes would sometimes become burred in the leaves and it would require quite a bit of diligent searching before the game could be resumed.
Postage stamp issued in 1934
Adaptation of James Abbott McNeill Whistler's
Portrait of his Mother
Portrait of his Mother
A ballgame was played between the "Beavers" and the "Moose".
The teams were rather inadequate in number but the scores were a little better.
The Beavers won with a score of 14 to 10.
Frank, Kenneth, Harold, Naomi, Charles W. and Dewitt were in the winning team.
Lois, Mabel, Cedric, Freddie, Vernon and George were the losers.
Charlie was unable was unable to play because of his broken arm.
Mrs. Emma J. Harrington (75 years) also had a broken arm but doesn't play ball so it didn't hinder her much while away in her time of talking and listening.
Byrd Antarctic Issue
Issued in connection with the Byrd Antarctic Expedition of 1933
and for use on letters mailed through the Little America Post Office
established at the Base Camp of the Expedition in
the territory of the South Pole.Treasure's Report
Balance from 1933 $4.50
Taken in collection $2.99
Expenses $2.49
Total for '35 $5.00
Attendance for 1934
Mrs. Emma J. Harrington
Mrs. Ella Slade - Emma's sister
Mr. Charles Slade
Mr. Fred Newton
Mrs. Minnie Newton and grand daughter May Rusaw
Mrs. Nellie Roof
Mr. Cedric Roof
Mrs. Cecil Watson
Mr. Freddie Watson
Miss. Wilma Jean
Mr. Wildon Joe
Mrs. Esther Watson
Mr. Vernon Watson
Miss. Adell Watson
Mr. Charles Newton
Mrs. Bessie Newton
Miss. Esther Newton
Miss. Naomi Newton
Mr. Charles W. Newton
Mrs. Lucy Voss
Mr. Lloyd Voss
Mr. George Voss
Miss. Genevieve Voss
Mr. Franklin Newton
Mrs. Minnie Newton
Miss. Mable Newton
Mr. Lew Nweton
Mr. Dewitt Newton
Mrs. Dorthy Boreland
Mr. Gerald Boreland
Miss. Beverly Boreland
Mr. Kenneth Newton

Maryland Tercentenary Issue
300th anniversary of the founding of Maryland.
"The Ark" and "The Dove"
Visitors of 1934
Mrs. Letra Forbes
Mr. Harold Forbes
Mr. Russell Forbes
Mr. Frank Heart
Mrs. Mable Raby
Mr. Renner (andrew jackson)
Mr. Charlie Potter
Miss. Dorthy Bellinger
Mr. Dan Elmer
Mrs. Jessie Elmer
Miss Beatrice Rusaw
Mrs. Edith Waite
Mr. Kenneth Waite
Mr. Lloyd Waite
Mrs. Maude Kelleman, George K. & Ruth K.
Total relatives 33
Total visitors 18
Total 51
Married since the last reunion:
Miss. Avis Kellogg to Joseph Clintsman
Oct. 4, 1934
Born to this union July 2, 1935 a daughter Anne Kellogg.
Born to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Watson a daughter Laura Helen Feb. 15, 1935.
Born to Mr. & Mrs. Harold Forbes a daughter Jan. 7, 1935 named Ethel May.
Deaths since last year:
Frank Houth at Lowville, March 1, 1935
Aunt Celia Newton at her home, June 23, 1935
Oscar Newton at Lowville, Dec. 25, 1934
The source notebook