It had rained all of the proceeding day and night but cleared off beautifully and was very lovely in the woods.
With the exception of one car getting stuck in the muddy road everyone arrived safely.
Postage stamp issued in 1932
William Penn Issue
250th anniversary of the arrival in America
of Penn (1644-1718), English Quaker
and founder of Pennsylvania.
Tables and benches were erected by the men and a fireplace built for making coffee.
Dinner was the first order of the day and proved a great success both as to food and fun.
After dinner the business meeting was called to order by the Pres. Dewitt Newton and the Secretary's report called for.
Postage stamp issued in 1932
The minutes of the last meeting and the Treasure's report were read by the Secretary Mrs. Emma J. Harrington in the midst of great confusion after continual rapping of the gavel.
The minutes were approved and seconded and new business called for.
The motion was made and approved Charles Milton Newton be made President.
The motion was made and approved Jack W. Lynch be made Vice President.
The motion was made and approved Lucy Newton Voss be made Treasurer.
The motion was made and approved Ida Mae Lynch be made Secretary.
The motion was made and approved that a committee on foods be formed to plan menu.
The motion was made and approved that Minnie Goodfriend Newton and Nellie Newton Roof act on this committee.
The motion was made and approved that cards be sent by the Secretary to all members announcing date of reunion and food to be brought as decided by food committee.
Postal card issued by the United States Post Office.
The collection was then taken and responded to liberally.
The business meeting then closed by unanimous consent.
Some pictures were taken then a hilarious game of base ball was played between the yellow socks and green skirts captained by Cedric Roof and Jack Lynch, respectably. It was a very peaceful game due to the enormous size of the empire, Louis Milton Newton, no one could argue his decisions.
After the thirty-seventh inning the game was forced to end due to a shortage of tree limbs in the woods, some having used for bats.
As the score board broke so many times it was rather doubtful which team carried off the honors but it was believed that the yellow socks had a slight edge.
However, both captains shook hand and no hard feeling were held by anyone except the President Dewitt Newton who had to be soundly spanked both because of his birthday and behavior.
The reunion then disbanded after everyone had pronounced it a successful and very happy day.
Postage stamp issued in 1932
Daniel Webster Issue
Daniel Webster (1782-1852) StatesmanTreasurer's Report
Balance from year 1931 $1.39
Taken in (collection) 1932 $3.41
Paid out, (Coffee) .50
Balance in Treasury $4.30
Postage stamp issued in 1932
Arbor Day Issue
April 1872, 60th anniversary, and centennial
of the birth of Julius Sterling Morton,
who conceived the plan and the name "Arbor Day,"
while he was a member of the
Nebraska State Board of Agriculture.
"Boy and Girl Planting Tree"
Attendance of reunion of 1932 Newton Reunion
Mrs. Emma J. Harrington born Mar. 9, 1859
Cedric Ervin Roof born Apr. 8, 1883
Nellie Newton Roof born Sept. 7 1885
Milton Ervin Roof born Aug. 19, 1905
Aletha James Roof born Mar. 3, 1910
Bernard Milton Roof born Dec. 24, 1909
Cecil Roof Watson born Mar. 15, 1915
Frederic Watson born Nov. 2, 1904
Lucy Newton Voss born Jan 26, 1891
Lloyd Erwin Voss
George Newton Voss
Genevieve Elizabeth Voss
Franklin George Newton born Sept. 30, 1893
Minnie Goodfriend Newton
Mable Emma Newton
Lewis Milton Newton born April 1923
Fredrick Marenus Newton born Mar. 14, 1879
Kenneth George Newton born Oct. 1, 1913
Charles Milton Newton born May 18, 1892
Bessie Renner Newton born Mar. 28, 1893
Esther Elizabeth Newton born Mar. 10, 1917
Naomi Ruth Newton born June 17, 1918
Charles Wesley Newton born June 13, 1920
Lois Eunice Newton born May 2, 1927
Dewitt Stedman Newton born July 9, 1889
Floyd Dewitt Newton
Theodore Irving Newton
Dorthy Newton Boreland
Gerald Duane Boreland born Oct. 1930
Ida Mae Kellogg Lynch
Jack William Lynch
Avis Leone Kellogg born Jan 1913
Harold Arthur Kellogg
Postage stamp issued in 1932
Olympic Games Issue
Issued in honor of the 10th Olympic Games,
held at Los Angeles, Calif.,
July 30 to Aug. 14, 1932Visitors at Newton Reunion 1932
Miss Letra Goodenough
Mrs. Celia J. Newton
Miss. Etta Newton
Mrs. Nellie Rice Ryther
Mr. Kenneth Goodenough
Mrs. Edith Wait
Mrs. Claud Woodland
Mr. Robert Woodland
Miss. Thelma James
Total relatives 36
Total visitors 9
Total 45
Postage stamp issued in 1932
Olympic Games Issue
Issued in honor of the 10th Olympic Games,
held at Los Angeles, Calif.,
July 30 to Aug. 14, 1932
Ida Mae Lynch,Secretary
Christmas Seal issued in 1932