Bernard is the son of Rev. Bernard Roof, Sr. and Norma.
Grandson of Milton Ervin Roof (born Aug. 19, 1905) and Aletha James Roof born (Mar. 3, 1910)
Great Grandson of Nellie Barnes (Newton) Roof (1885-1973) and Cedric Ervin Roof (1883-1954)
He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Sherry E. Roof.
Daughters: Stephany Roof and Courtney (Patrick) Rand.
Parents: Norma and Rev. Bernard Roof, Sr.
Sisters: Patricia Progansky, Shirley Engert, Rev. Roben Waddel.
Grandchildren: Jordan Roof and Sydney Rand.
Nieces, nephews, cousins and very special friends, Tony Vojtisek and Jason Truitt.

Bernie was born on Oct. 1, 1957 in Lincolnton, NC.
He attended Filmore (NY) High School and was employed as a construction Technician.
He was an avid outdoors enthusiast, especially enjoying hunting and fishing;
a creative and talented family man; a skilled wood carver and a relentless jokester.
To his friends he was The Best of the best of friends.
A Family Service will be held at their convenience.
MacPherson Funeral Home, Newark Valley
is assisting with arrangements and memories and condolences may be written in
Bernie’s guest book at
For those who wish,
kindly consider directing memorials to the
National Wildlife Federation
11100 Wildlife Center Dr.
Reston, VA 20190 in memory of Bernard M. Roof, Jr.