Saturday July 25th 2009
We arrived at the Middle Falls Pavilion early and decorated.
It was a beautiful day and Bob Pfannenschmidt's birthday!
George and Wilma Voss were also early birds and it was fun to get reacquainted.
Matt had a great fire going, even though we weren't cold!
We had a smaller group than usual, Uncle Chuck asked the blessingin front of 29 hungry, friendly folks.
The food was great, the fellowship was even greater.
We arrived at the Middle Falls Pavilion early and decorated.
It was a beautiful day and Bob Pfannenschmidt's birthday!
George and Wilma Voss were also early birds and it was fun to get reacquainted.
Matt had a great fire going, even though we weren't cold!
We had a smaller group than usual, Uncle Chuck asked the blessingin front of 29 hungry, friendly folks.
The food was great, the fellowship was even greater.
Many videos were recorded of the folks, many photos were taken of everyone.
They will be on the Newton web-page!
We all will want to check it out.
Florence Roof, George Voss, Charles Newton
We had a business meeting and reelected Matthew Klimek as President and, Linda Pfannenschmidt as Secretary.
A motion was made and ratified to rent a pavilion next year for only 1/2 day. That is a money saver, since we are always done by 3:00 PM, that's how we will rent it.
We had spent all of the money on supplies, etc.... so, Uncle Chuck passed the hat and we collected $86.00.
We had a small fun filled auction and raised $58.50.
Total $144.50
With this money, Matthew will rent the pavilion, mail the reminders and, buy some food for next year.
We try to keep the meat simple - hot dogs and rolls, etc....
Most of our meal is good old Newton recipes!
This was fun, I can't wait until next year!
Remind all the relatives not to miss it.
A motion was made and ratified to rent a pavilion next year for only 1/2 day. That is a money saver, since we are always done by 3:00 PM, that's how we will rent it.
We had spent all of the money on supplies, etc.... so, Uncle Chuck passed the hat and we collected $86.00.
We had a small fun filled auction and raised $58.50.
Total $144.50
With this money, Matthew will rent the pavilion, mail the reminders and, buy some food for next year.
We try to keep the meat simple - hot dogs and rolls, etc....
Most of our meal is good old Newton recipes!
This was fun, I can't wait until next year!
Remind all the relatives not to miss it.
Linda (Greene) Pfannenschmidt, Secretary
DeWitt Stedman Newton (1889-1968)
"The bountiful repast was greatly enjoyed by all, and there seemed no lack for food, fun, pickles or banana peelings - epically the later which landed so frequently at the Western end of the table that no one doubted who was eating at the Eastern end." 1933
"We hope that Dewitt was not ill, but the banana peelings seemed to stay at home this year." 1937"A delightful supper was followed by a business meeting that was called among the usual hubbub and inattention youngsters and "some" elders." 1942
Presidents Remarks:
We had a very nice family reunion this year.
The turnout was a bit low at only 29 people but,
we ate a lot of food to make up for the difference!
This year, I scarcely had a camera out of my hand as I attempted to document the Newton Family Reunion. A reasonable amount of video was recorded as well as many photographs.
We had the fire going in the fireplace; the great big one at the Middle Falls pavilion.
All of the families were photographed in front of the fireplace.
The results are quite warm!
$85.00 hotdogs, rolls, charcoal, etc...
$30.00 Pavilion Rental
$32.56 Announcements (74 pieces of mail @ $0.44)
We had a very nice family reunion this year.
The turnout was a bit low at only 29 people but,
we ate a lot of food to make up for the difference!
This year, I scarcely had a camera out of my hand as I attempted to document the Newton Family Reunion. A reasonable amount of video was recorded as well as many photographs.
We had the fire going in the fireplace; the great big one at the Middle Falls pavilion.
All of the families were photographed in front of the fireplace.
The results are quite warm!
$85.00 hotdogs, rolls, charcoal, etc...
$30.00 Pavilion Rental
$32.56 Announcements (74 pieces of mail @ $0.44)
Genevieve (Voss) Beardsley, Daughter of Lucy (Newton) Voss.
Linda Brandt is the oldest daughter of Genevieve.
Genevieve (Voss) Beardsley, Daughter of Lucy (Newton) Voss.
Linda Brandt is the oldest daughter of Genevieve.
Lois Bouton, Daughter of Charles & Bessie Newton
Michael (son) & Adine Bouton.
Roxy (daughter) & Ray Brown
Michael (son) & Adine Bouton.
Roxy (daughter) & Ray Brown
Charles Newton, Jr. with wife Barbra
Melanie (daughter of Naomi) and her husband Ted, with their son Kent Schumacher.
Naomi (Newton) Clingerman is the daughter of Charles & Bessie Newton.
Melanie (daughter of Naomi) and her husband Ted, with their son Kent Schumacher.
Naomi (Newton) Clingerman is the daughter of Charles & Bessie Newton.
Florence Roof, wife of the late Milton Roof.
Milton is the son of Nellie (Newton) Roof.
Florence Roof, wife of the late Milton Roof.
Milton is the son of Nellie (Newton) Roof.
Jill Pepe is the Granddaughter of Lucy (Newton) Voss
Jill Pepe is the Granddaughter of Lucy (Newton) Voss
George & Wilma and, Sherrie Voss.
George is the son of Lucy (Newton) Voss.
George & Wilma and, Sherrie Voss.
George is the son of Lucy (Newton) Voss.