2019-07-27 Saturday at Letchworth State Park, NY |
We arrived at Letchworth at the Octagon pavilion early and had lots of time to set up. What a gorgeous day!
Matt got the grills going and we started the marinated chicken, green bean casserole, and seasoned potatoes.
Our friends Dave and Mary Nemcek arrived early and helped set up. It was fun to greet each newcomer.
The food was giving off good smells and Matt had us take a few group photos before we had Eric Bressi open in prayer.
Mike and Adeen and their dog Reba Bouton brought old photos which they shared.
Many of these will show up in the future on the Newton page. Oh the good old days!
We ate and visited and then Linda P used a microphone for the business meeting.
We first remembered Ginny Beardsley and Barbara Newton who left for Heaven this year.
That means only Lois Bouton, daughter of Charles and Bessie Newton, is left of the original children of the Newton clan.
We hope we can all step up and keep the reunion going. As the song says, “We are family!”
We had our election and Linda Beardsley Brandt nominated Matthew Klimek for president and Linda Pfannenschmidt for secretary. We won and will do our best again. Send any family news to Matthew and he will add it to the Newton page.
The hat was passed and Eric Bressi collected $100.00 which will go toward the cost of the pavilion and food.
Then on to the auction where Bob Phannenschmidt officiated with a little help from Linda P and quite a bit of help from Eric Bressi.
Nancy Osborn collected the money, made change and wrote each item down. Thanks to all who donated and/or bought, we took in $83.00. That was great considering most items sold for between $.50 to $1.50! You all did a great job.
We all went on to snack more and visit all we could. We all enjoyed the weather and fellowship!
As we closed up we needed to thank Amanda and Eric for hauling out all the trash.
This was a great day but all who couldn’t make it were missed! We are really looking forward to the 2020 reunion.
Spread the word and keep inviting! Hope to see you then.
Submitted by Linda Pfannenschmidt (secretary)