What a beautiful day!
By the end of the reunion there were 60 Newtons counted for; plus four beautiful dogs.
Denny Greene and Mel and Mary (M&M ) Greene cooked the hot dogs.
At 12:05 after Mel Greene prayed, we dug into the yearly feast.
The food was great and the zucchini casserole was exceptional (please share the recipe).
When we were almost done eating, Linda P. (Secretary) and Matt Klimek (President), held the business meeting.
They were both reelected because no one else wanted the job.
Comments were made that the Newton on-line videos made by Matt were truly enjoyed.
addresses were updated as Bob P. had a candy and money toss for the kids.
The hat was passed and $68 was collected.
Then the fun filled auction began.
Highlights were the Black Bear Bow a black light.
There were many great items and fun family fights for them.
We took in $123! We are all set for next year!
Let's see which pavilion is assigned to us. They are all good.
We really enjoyed St. Helena's this year.
What a great loving family reunion.
Linda Pfannenschmidt
Stephen D. Watson

Stephen D. Watson, 73, Iroquois Ave. West, Watertown, passed away Wednesday evening, June 12, 2013, at Samaritan Medical Center. He is buried at the Brookside Cemetery.
Mr. Watson was born in Lowville on September 1, 1939, son of Fred Watson and Cecil Roof Watson Goutermout .
He graduated from Lowville Academy in 1957, and then entered the US Army on February 1, 1961.
He was a member of the Military Police, serving in several places, including Germany and the state of Georgia. On January 27, 1964 he was honorably discharged.
On January 20, 1962 he married Linda M. Burns at St. Mary's Church, Copenhagen with Rev. Bernard Desnoyers officiating.
He was a Watertown City Police Officer, and before his retirement had served as Deputy Chief. He was a member of the Police Benevolent Association.
Mr. Watson enjoyed hunting, fishing, wood cutting, and was an avid outdoorsman.
He was a member of both the Jack McDonald and 12 Mill Hunting Clubs.
He was also a member of the St. Peter's & St. Paul's Cemetery Committee in Copenhagen.
He had built his family's camp first on Soft Maple Flow and then in New Boston.
He also enjoyed NASCAR, puzzles, walking his family dog, and he also played for the Watertown P.B.A. slow pitch City League Softball.
Besides his wife, Linda, he is survived by his three children, Kelly A. Davis and husband, Edwin "Butch", Brian J. Watson and wife, Michelle R., and Stephanie A. Davis and husband, James E., all of Watertown; seven grandchildren and one great grandson; two sisters, Wilma Clemons and husband, Edward, Barnes Corners and Laura James and husband, Forrest, Fillmore; two brothers, Scott Goutermout and wife, Dorothy, Bellwood and Lewis Goutermout and wife, Debbie, Harrisburg; sister-in-law, Mary Watson, LA; two aunts, and several nieces, nephews, and cousins.
He was predeceased by his parents and one brother, Weldon Joe Watson.
James Newton Sr.
James Newton Sr., 61, of Norwich, passed away Sunday, June 2, 2013.
He was predeceased by his parents, Olive and Charles Newton; his daughter, Michelle Newton;
He was predeceased by his parents, Olive and Charles Newton; his daughter, Michelle Newton;
and grandson, Karl Chaffee.
He is survived by his loving wife, Cynthia Newton; his children, Kelly Harding, James Newton Jr., Jennifer Newton, and Jeremiah (Beth) Newton; his grandchildren, Sarah Perkow, Anita and Cynthia Chaffee, Tabitha and Noah Newton, Jocelyn Newton; great-granddaughter, Rose Collado;
He is survived by his loving wife, Cynthia Newton; his children, Kelly Harding, James Newton Jr., Jennifer Newton, and Jeremiah (Beth) Newton; his grandchildren, Sarah Perkow, Anita and Cynthia Chaffee, Tabitha and Noah Newton, Jocelyn Newton; great-granddaughter, Rose Collado;
his brothers, Danny (Sharon) Newton, Paul (Laurie) Newton, Chuck (Dory) Newton; and his sister, Beth Ann Layton;
also his special dogs, Abigail and Emily.
Jim loved kids, especially his grandchildren.
He was an avid fly fisherman and hunter.
He enjoyed camping, motorcycling and he loved animals.
He was a longtime member of AA.
He was a member of the Christian Motorcyclists Association.
Jim loved kids, especially his grandchildren.
He was an avid fly fisherman and hunter.
He enjoyed camping, motorcycling and he loved animals.
He was a longtime member of AA.
He was a member of the Christian Motorcyclists Association.
6 Minutes With The Newtons 2013
I apologize for not being able to include everyone in this video;
one entire family was not recorded.
I didn't realize that the Secretary was interviewing everyone.
82nd Annual Newton Family Reunion 2013 (Family Portrait)
Newton Family Reunion 2013
Presidents Report:
I am happy to be the elected president for another year.
I don't have the food expenses with me,
I know there were several items,
mostly the better quality hot dogs consisting of 3- three pound bags.
I believe they sell for between $10 to $15 per bag.
Other items were furnished with last years budget of $102.25.
I bought the postage stamps to be used on the announcements.
I try to obtain the best issue at the time; I don't want to overstate that because,
one year I ran out of the stamps and mailed several announcements
with whatever I had on hand.
This year, it was the Lady Bird Johnson Centennial (1912-2012)
featuring a reissue of the 1968 'Plant for a More Beautiful America',
every fifth stamp was a portrait of Lady Bird Johnson.
Those in attendance were:
Linda Pfannenschmidt
Bob Pfannenschmidt
Matthew P. Klimek
Nancy Osborn
Bruce Osborn
Aaron Fuller
Ramon Greene
Carolyn Greene
Grace Greene
Anna Greene
Makiaha Greene
Providence Greene
They are the daughters of Adam Greene, Ramon Green's Grandchildren, Esther Green's Great Grandchildren, Charles Newton's Great Great Grandchildren.
Adam was on-route and he suffered a significant episode of an internal attack, he was forced to stop at the emergency entrance of Binghamton General Hospital;
it is about half way from Connecticut to Letchworth State Park.
I did see Adam later that evening and, I can state that the day was not what he had planed.
Dennis Greene
Mel Greene
Mary Greene
Jason Santiago
Sharon Santiago
Laura James (Sister of Stephen D. Watson 1939-2013: see obituary above)
Forrest James
Julie Burkhardt
Ray Burkhardt
Randy Mueckl
Brenda Mueckl
Genny Beardsley (daughter of Lucy Voss)
Linda Brandt
John Nusbeckel
George Voss (son of Lucy Voss)
Wilma Voss
Rachael Perry
Vincent Perry
Lillianna Perry
Tabitha Perry
Cindy L. Perry
Plus 18 more unnamed because they didn't sign the sheet.
67 announcements were mailed.
7 announcements were returned.
4 announcements were readdressed and then mailed.
71 mailings total.
71 x .46
St. Helena Pavilion
½ Day $25.00
Again, I don't have all of the expense details but, it looks like a 'clean spending job'.
This year we have $191.00.
I will try to obtain the Middle Falls Pavilion,
the annual business meeting request was stated that the second choice should be the St. Helena Pavilion.
Unless stated otherwise, we have a few more dollars to plan the menu;
I will be on the pre-reunion prowl for discounted meats!
It is touch and go as to availability but, I will try!
Matthew P. Klimek
Those in attendance were:
Linda Pfannenschmidt
Bob Pfannenschmidt
Matthew P. Klimek
Nancy Osborn
Bruce Osborn
Aaron Fuller
Ramon Greene
Carolyn Greene
Grace Greene
Anna Greene
Makiaha Greene
Providence Greene
They are the daughters of Adam Greene, Ramon Green's Grandchildren, Esther Green's Great Grandchildren, Charles Newton's Great Great Grandchildren.
Adam was on-route and he suffered a significant episode of an internal attack, he was forced to stop at the emergency entrance of Binghamton General Hospital;
it is about half way from Connecticut to Letchworth State Park.
I did see Adam later that evening and, I can state that the day was not what he had planed.
Dennis Greene
Mel Greene
Mary Greene
Jason Santiago
Sharon Santiago
Laura James (Sister of Stephen D. Watson 1939-2013: see obituary above)
Forrest James
Julie Burkhardt
Ray Burkhardt
Randy Mueckl
Brenda Mueckl
Genny Beardsley (daughter of Lucy Voss)
Linda Brandt
John Nusbeckel
George Voss (son of Lucy Voss)
Wilma Voss
Rachael Perry
Vincent Perry
Lillianna Perry
Tabitha Perry
Cindy L. Perry
Plus 18 more unnamed because they didn't sign the sheet.
Talent Call:
If you have any ability or willingness to represent our family in any way,
such as recorded music, video projects, a letter from someone,
It could been seen and heard on the Newton Family Reunion Web-Page.
I have a few of my songs in the videos
that I produced with download links for the mp3's (free and instant download).
I know for a fact that one person has a good solid musical style on his web page VerseAday.com
I am also aware that there is a college student majoring in video production;
it is just a matter of time before she will be capable of outdoing anything that I have ever thought of, or put together with a handheld camera and Windows Movie Maker.
Anyone that has talent or wishes that they had talent,
contribute anything to represent our family and
show the world 'who we think we are!'.