
2012 - The Eighty-First Annual Newton Family Reunion

'I Feel Like Singing Today' recorded by Jim Lauderdale & Ralph Stanley in 2002

Linda Pfannenschmidt
Secretary's Report

It poured all the way here today.
Then at 12:00, sunshine on all 42 happy relatives.
We ate at 12:30 after Ray Greene prayed.
The hot dogs cooked by Denny Greene & Matt Klimek - were delicious.

It was so much fun to eat and visit.
After dinner, minutes were read and approved.
Matt Klimek told everyone that from now on that when he sends out the reunion notice, he will include births, deaths & marriages that occurred during the year.
Please send him the information so that he can spread it on to the others.

We had a uncontested election:
Matt Klimek- Pres.
Linda Pfannenschmidt- Sec.
Congrats- I think! (Actually, we both love it!)

Bob did a candy & cash toss for the kids.
What energy & what fun!
Bob hosted an auction which netted $41.25.
No real big ticket items but, a lot of fun.
You never know what someone will love.
Bring in your non-treasures next year because they will be someone else's treasures.

      hat $61.00
auction $41.25

We all cleaned up & hugged & kissed.
Fun over for today.
See you last Sat. in July 2013.

'Y'all Come' recorded by Jim & Jesse in 1965

Matthew Klimek
Presidents Report

 On the way to the reunion, as it rained, we stopped for firewood along State Hwy. 436.
The firewood stand is a favorite as the wood is priced at five pieces for one dollar; I prefer to spend five dollars there.
This year the firewood was wet from the rain.
After two and one-half quarts of lighter fluid were wasted, someone had a video of me using a squeezable flame thrower and, the next group to use the pavilion had a generous eighty pound pile of charcoal that at that point was probably prepared to perfection.

Fortunately, we were able to dry out the grills for cooking the hot dogs; they were the good hot dogs that come in the three pound bag with the skin that snaps when they start to cook in their own oil.
Ninety sausage rolls were ordered from Romas Bakery and picked up the night before.

 This year, I didn't work with the older Newton Reunion notes; I do have several years in the draft mode but, it will be a while before I actually have anything published.
I did produce several musical videos that I hope everyone finds entertaining; I tried to carefully choose the musical content.


Charles Wesley Newton (1920-2011)
Son of Charles Milton Newton (1892-1982)
Grandson of Milton DeWitt Newton (1857-1896)

Charles W. Newton, 91,
of Vestal, NY, passed away on Saturday, August 27, 2011 
in Middleburg, Pennsylvania. 
He is survived by his wife, Barbara, 
and his children; Daniel (IN), Paul (NY), Charles (NY), James (NY), Beth ( NY), Kenneth (PA), Mark (NY), Brenda (NY) and Beth (NC). 
He is also survived by numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Jim Pepe married Megan Curry 
May 12th, 2012 
Jim is a Great Great Grandson of Lucy Newton Voss (1891-1993)
Great Grandson of Genevieve Beardsley
Grandson of Linda Brandt
Son of Jill Pepe

 And so, another year has come and gone, there has been a death and, a mirage that could very likely result in a birth.
This is our family and there will always be more to come.

See all of you next year.
Matthew P. Klimek

Attendance for 2012:

Matt Klimek
Bob Pfannenschmidt
Linda Pfannenschmidt

Dennis Greene

Ramon Greene
Carolyn Greene
Anna Greene
Grace Greene

Adam Greene
Jessica Greene
Providence Greene
Micaiah Greene
Ebenezer Greene
Heather Davis
Josh Davis
Laura James
Forrest James

George Voss
Wilma Voss
Sherrie Voss

 Genny Beardsley
 Brenda Mueckl

Jill Pepe
Carrie Pepe

Linda Brandt

 Randy Burkhardt
Melinda Burkhardt
Miranda Burkhardt
Hunter Burkhardt

Cindy Perry
Rachael Perry
Vincent Perry
Lillianna Perry

-there were others in the head count but, they didn't sign in-

Linda Pfannenschmidt
Granddaughter of Charles Milton Newton (1892-1982)

Carrie Pepe
Great Great granddaughter of Lucy Newton Voss (1891-1993)
 Great Granddaughter of Genevieve Beardsley
Granddaughter of Linda Brandt
Daughter of Jill Pepe

The Ride Home

 As life goes on, I sit here and sometimes contemplate great achievements that can occur.
The Newton Family Reunion is an annual event that I see as worthwhile; a family that is structured from my great grandparents and some before them.
Every year, the picture changes slightly; this is the time when we face what remains of our extended family and, we see those that will become of us.
This year was pleasant but, like all years, the fatigue sets in and, the reality of the day is carried evenly amongst ourselves; we are tired, it has been a long day.  

This blog entry is nothing more than the ride home; the pavilion is empty.
I decided to hold the camera as I rode in the van with Bob driving.
I drank the remaining cans of diet Coke and, recorded some video footage to assemble a few videos that are of a vehicle with four tired people in it.

See you all soon...................

'Baby, Now That I've Found You' recorded by Alison Krauss in 1995

 'I Know One' recorded by Jim Reeves in 1960

-Every year, the picture changes slightly.-

-The reality of the day is carried evenly amongst ourselves.-

Since nostalgia is such a huge occurrence at any family reunion,
I was more than happy to include this video.
Just look at all the things you get!!!!


It Takes People Like You

Good Morning to all!!
Today is the 81st Newton Family Reunion.
For those of you that cannot attend, I do have ambitious projects in mind.
I will be carrying two camera batteries and a total of eight gigabytes of data cards 
to record photographs and videos.
I did put together a video for presumably those of you that are not on route to the family reunion.

Sunday, August 4th, 1946 The Church at Short Tract, NY
(back row) 

Franklin George Newton (born 1893), Charles Milton Newton (1892-1982), Nellie Barnes Newton (1885-1973), Lucy Samantha Newton (1891-1993)
(front row) 
DeWitt Stedman Newton (1889-1968), Fredrick Marenus Newton (1879-1957)

recorded by Buck Owens in 1967

This is Letchworth State Park at the Middle Falls, the pavilion is located on the grounds to the right.
Today dinner is at 12:00 noon.
If you want to be here, hurry up!
 It Takes People Like You!!


1916 - The Wedding of Charles & Bessie Newton

Charles Milton Newton (1892-1982) met Bessie Mae Renner (1893-1984) 
at the Ninth Annual District Assembly of The Pentecostal Church of The Nazarene, 
New York District, April 19th to 23rd 
at Syracuse, New York in April 1916.
Both Charles and Bessie attended as delegates.

 They were married on June 5th 1916.


Announcements Mailed!

As the President of The Newton Family Reunion,
I am very pleased to have mailed out the announcements for the reunion date of Saturday July 28th, 2012.
Regardless of the weather, we have the Middle Falls pavilion. Dinner is at 12:00 Noon.

Of all of the video clips that I have of the annual reunions, this one is my favorite.

...just reminiscing.


The 2012 Newton Family Reunion is on Saturday, July 28th.

 The 2012 Newton Family Reunion is on Saturday, July 28th.
We will have the Middle Falls Pavilion at Letchworth State Park.
Hello Everyone!
 I am pleased that we have the Middle Falls Pavilion for our reunion on Saturday, July 28th 2010.
I will start to design and print the announcements, I hope to have them mailed no later than early April.
As always, if you know of anyone that did not receive a printed announcement, please contact: newton.reunion@gmail.com

'Would You Mind' recorded by Hank Snow in 1955

 Of all of the projects that I work on, the Newton Family Reunion is one of the largest undertakings.
Every year, we have a family reunion at Letchworth State Park in upstate New York.
Over the past 10 years, I have been the President of the family reunion.
My primary responsibility is to secure a pavilion or some type of suitable location for the annual gathering.
Our family likes the last week in July and the Middle Falls Pavilion; many other people also like the last week in July and the same location so, there is a drawing when more than one request form is submitted for the pavilion. So far, we have had a good run of application approvals, the second choice is the Eddy's Pavilion.
 This year on the 2nd of January, I printed and filled out and mailed the Shelter Reservation form with payment and a self address stamped envelope; I also check the bank account to see if the check cleared.
I am very pleased that the date of The Newton Family Reunion is July 28th, 2012 at the Middle Falls Pavilion at Letchworth State Park, Portage, New York.
The other undertakings include notifying the entire family of the reunion date and location.
I have street address and e-mail contacts that must be notified of the reunion dates.
E-mail and facebook work best for quick effective announcements.
At this time, the balance of about 80 addresses is in favor of  electronic communication.
Eventually, I want to stop sending the printed announcements but, I don't want to do anything until everyone in the family is online; it may take another 10 years or so.

I enjoying trying to find nice stationary to print the announcements and envelopes on.
The dollar store is often a good location to find high quality paper and envelopes; anytime I see granite paper or anything sharp looking, I usually get a few boxes of envelopes (50ct) and a few packs of paper (100ct)
I enjoying selecting the postage stamps (APS #190271).

Portage Bridge:
This bridge has been cited for destruction, the rail road attempted to present it to New York state as a observation platform but, the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation refused it sating that it would represent a unacceptable cost to the state.
Considering that this structure has been in use since 1875, it may be wise to move forward with long term plans to use this bridge as a observation platform.